Portfolio: Narratives
My family lives in the United States because of the genocide that took place generations ago in Lithuania. My great great grandmother took shelter in an underground cave along with one of her sons. Neighbors would bring supplies to help keep them alive.
The Stay at home order is keeping me safe at home and isolated away from the virus and the horrors it brings. We are living in a constant dichotomy of realities, death and boredom are our staples.
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This is the result of a forced collaboration. Check out the stop motion video that accompanies this photograph.
Every January, I participate in Fun A Day. It’s an event where artists all over the world, create everyday for the first month of the year, then we get together locally for group shows. In 2019, I decided to create one large painting and divide the surface into different days. I try to spend as much time outside as possible, so many of the sections represent my time enjoying nature in the winter.
A nightmare in acrylics. I was so frustrated by somethings that they followed me into my dreams. Dreams are a fantastic place just to burn it all down or just hide under a blanket.
At times, I have been plagued with nightmares. What better way to deal with them, than to paint them? In this oil and paper collage on canvas board, I applied paint with a knife to show this body wrapped in carpet thrown behind a chain link fence on a litter strewn ground.
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There was a loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead – Exodus 12:30
If you are interested in purchasing this, too bad, it will remain in a permanent collection which serves to remind someone of the need to be thankful for where they are. But feel free to contact me for more information about commissioning me to create something for you.
Be careful that you do not approach the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain is to be put to death. -Exodus 19:12
f you are interested in purchasing this, too bad, it will remain in a permanent collection which serves to remind someone of the need to be thankful for the laws given by G-d. But feel free to contact me for more information about commissioning me to create something for you.
This painting was done as a Fun A Day project. During the month of January, I worked on this painting daily. Sakka is a forest fairy who overheard the Buddha (during his life as a rabbit) talking with his forest friends about how they could do a good deed for some one that day. The squirrel gathered some nuts for someone, the birds harvested some berries for some people. Buddha the rabbit, harvested some grass but no one wanted it, so he decided he would offer himself as a meal by jumping into a fire. Just as he was about to jump into the fire, Sakka turned the flames into harmless fire and did not allow him to die. On another layer, this painting is about the interconnectedness of the forest. The roots of the forest intertwine and communicate with each other, mushrooms grow in a symbiotic relationships with those roots. I have foraged and eaten each mushroom depicted in this painting.
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